Recent releases of Fedora deliver the transmission-remote-gtk package to control one or more instances of transmission-daemon. Back in the day older Fedora releases included transgui for this purpose. They’re almost identical. I’ve always assumed that transmission-remote-gtk was a GTK port of the Lazarus/Free Pascal transgui. I’ve always used transgui and I prefer it because it has a couple of features I am loath to give up:
- It supports the dragging and dropping of magnet links and, if you copy a magnet link to the clipboard and then click on the transgui window, it will automagically add that magnet link to the download queue.
- It provides the ability to copy the full path to the downloaded torrent folder or to its individual files from the GUI, which makes downloading torrents from a remote seedbox much simpler.
Unfortunately, when transmission v3.0 was released transgui broke, and, since there wasn’t any active development on transgui, there was no immediate fix. I had to stick with transmission v2.96 so that I could still use transgui. Recently I noticed that the transgui project had received some commits that fix it for transmission v3.0. So I’ve gone ahead and packaged transgui up for Fedora 35, 36, and 37 in my COPR repository. Works great for me.